School districts are challenged to implement the common core
state standards (CCSS) in classrooms while preparing for SBAC testing.
Understandably, the CCSS are producing the greatest focus. In my district,
professional learning and curriculum resources are centered around bringing
CCSS instruction to students. At the same time, districts have geared up their
technology so that SBAC testing is available online to students this spring.
Local districts are utilizing interim assessments that mimic SBAC-type test
items for students to experience the new expectations in testing form. Teachers
are encouraged to adjust instruction based on interim assessment results.
But much less attention is currently being paid to how the
SBAC results will be portrayed, understood, and analyzed. Waiting for the
results to arrive will be like awaiting for a hurricane to arrive to decide
what to do. It will be too late to begin grasping what the information means
and how it was created. Knowing beforehand how the SBAC will formulate outcomes
will strategically place districts miles ahead when the results arrive. This
advanced knowledge will aid in communicating to parents, students and staff
what to expect, how results will be derived, and what to do next.
Having participated in the in-person scale scoring for SBAC,
I write with firsthand experience of the value of understanding how this new
test will present results. The new
computer assisted technology will adjust test items based on previous responses
making percent correct irrelevant and leaving everyone scratching their heads
wondering how a scaled score was established. Confusion could lead to
circumstances that detract from the test’s intent and lead to calls to reduce
or scale back statewide testing. Worst case scenarios include angry parents
wanting to know why the SBAC results are poorer than past state test results,
teachers feeling demoralized or dismissive of the results and students wrongly
drawing conclusions about themselves.
Most importantly, the commitment of resources should lead
towards school improvement. The opportunity for this to occur remains. But we
must act now to understand how the SBAC results will be created, portrayed, and
understood. Join me in participating in this process. Upcoming posts will
address these points with the intention of improving our students’ learning.
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